EpandMedia Produces “Purpose—My Anti-Drug,” New National PSA Starring NY Knicks’ Allan Houston, for the Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.

EpandMedia/Flashframe Films recently wrapped a PSA for the Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA), “Purpose – My Anti-Drug” starring the New York Knicks’ Allan Houston. “Purpose” premiered at Madison Square Garden in late February, and is set to begin airing nationally this fall on broadcast and cable outlets. The spot was produced by EpandMedia’s Len Epand and directed by Jake McAfee.

The spot, edited into :30 and :15 second versions, features Houston showing off some of his signature moves and shooting on a stylized basketball court set built at Silvercup Studios in Queens. Intercut are intimate shots of Houston explaining the importance of having a purpose to his life. “Drugs will never get in my way,” he concludes.

“Purpose – My Anti-Drug” was highlighted by Shoot Magazine in its prestigious Spotlight section.

In a letter to EpandMedia the Creative Development Group of the PDFA wrote: “The commitment, resources and talent that you’ve dedicated to this cause have been truly outstanding….Thank you for all you’ve done…so that we can all continue to make a very real difference in people’s lives.”



