“Protest” currently airing in New York State was produced for National Grid, a northeastern-based electric and gas company. The ad centers on a misinformed “man on the street” protesting new power lines in his community. A passing woman hears his protests and sets him straight, explaining that updating power lines will reduce the number of power lines in the community, allow more renewable energy to come on line, won’t increase taxes, create more than 11,000 jobs and boost our economy by about $1.6 billion.
For more information visit: www.PowerNYCoalition.org
“This Is Your Captain Speaking” was produced for Air Line Pilots Association, International. The ad uses creative sound design to put the listener in the seat of an airplane awaiting take off. The pilot comes on the PA and explains why the recent improvements in FAA safety regulations for pilot training and flight time are essential to airline safety. These regulations and funding for the Federal Aviation Administration are currently at risk. Our pilot is advocating congress to reauthorize these regulations and FAA funding in order to keep America flying safely.
For more information visit: www.www.alpa.org
In “Puerto Rico Healthcare” Puerto Rico’s healthcare system is compared to a suffering hospital patient on life support. Legally considered U.S. Citizens, Puerto Ricans pay the same Medicare taxes as other Americans, but they receive less than half the healthcare funding as the other 50 states. As a result Puerto Rico’s healthcare system is now in such desperate straights that it is in danger of collapse. This ad urges President Obama to act now to protect care for the three and a half million U.S. Citizens who call Puerto Rico home.
The ad was produced for Puerto Rico Health Crisis Coalition. For more information visit: www.puertoricohealthcarecrisis.com